Welcome to the Rhythm Towers Blog

Spencer Beckford • December 06, 2021
5 min read
Hello there, and welcome to the shiny new Rhythm Towers Blog! We will be using this blog to share news, discuss behind-the-scenes development diaries and explain the motivations and history behind Rhythm Towers. We will be posting new articles every month or so, be sure to subscribe to our Newsletter or RSS Feed so that you get them as soon as they become available :))
What has been going on?
It has been 6 months since the Website and Gameplay Preview Trailer were released, from which we received some very positive feedback. A couple of nice articles were written based on our Press Release - also, one of those, after emailing back and forth with one of the authors, has developed into an unexpected friendship!
We were also contacted by a few companies offering their products/services, from translators, musicians, QA, marketing agencies and publishers. Initially we were planning on self publishing but since chatting to the publishers that reached out to us, we have put together a pitch deck, polished our playable build and have sent it out to our shortlist of publishers - so we may have some more news to share on this in the coming months.
Since we had a nice new trailer and an early build of the game, we used them to apply for some marketing partnerships and pitched to various platform holders, we will have more to announce on this soon.
Early playtests
We started conducting some early playtests of Rhythm Towers with a small group of eager players and have been slowly expanding this group over the past few months. This has produced some excellent feedback and has helped to really shape and refine the gameplay experience far beyond the initial few versions!
Many thanks to our early playtesters for their feedback, support and encouragement: Andre, Anders, Arran, Daniel, David, Hat, Josh, Justin, Lucas, Luci, Mario, Matt, Mike, Nelson, Oliver, Steve, Todd and Yaz.
From virtual events, back to the real world
After submitting a last minute application, we were selected to take part in The UK Game of The Show, which was a digital/online event hosted by UKIE to highlight and showcase unreleased games made in the UK. Although we did not win the event, after participating we were invited by Barclays Games & Esports to present a short demo of Rhythm Towers on the Rezzed Stage at EGX 2021. The demo went really well and gave us some practice at presenting the game to a live audience!
Trojan Horse is a Unicorn
Heading out to Tróia in Portugal for THU 2021 was exactly what we needed after being confined to our homes for 18 months! For the uninitiated, Trojan Horse is a Unicorn or THU is "A networking ecosystem created to share knowledge, inspire and empower creators from all areas of the digital entertainment & interactive industry." Basically it is a week-long digital art festival, attended by concept artists, illustrators, sculptors, 3D artists, animators, producers, VFX artists and storytellers from the video game and movie/TV industry.
We took along our trailer and a playable demo and received some amazing feedback from everyone that had a chance to watch/play, and managed to get some more playtesters on board! Although there were plenty of inspiring and educational talks/panels/workshops to choose from, the best part about THU is meeting new people, making new friends and being surrounded by incredibly talented and creative people for a week - this was our third time at THU (previously held in Valetta, Malta) and we will be back next year for sure!

To close off our event calendar for the year was Develop:Brighton, "Europe's biggest conference and expo for game developers." While we did manage to check out a couple of interesting talks/panels, the majority of our time at the conference was spent in back-to-back meetings with prospective publishers and potential partners. This was our first time attending this conference, and while it was a lot more formal/traditional compared to THU, it was still great to have these types meetings face to face again. All of the meetings went really well, even the ones which weren't exactly the best fit still took the time to give some great feedback and advice, all in all very professional and glad we attended.
What's next?
As we come to the end of the pre-production stage of Rhythm Towers, we are gearing up to go into full production mode and will be sharing our progress along the way. Whether you are a gamer, game developer or just someone who is curious about the ~~relentless, sisyphean~~ creative and rewarding process that goes into making a game - we will sharing details on a wide variety of subjects to satisfy your curiosity, including:
- Motion capture and recording dance moves, on an indie budget
- Taking advantage of AI driven tools and software for concept art
- Explaining the workflow and pipeline for a modern indie game
- Prototypes, concepts and how early versions of the game evolved
- Inspiration and motivation behind Rhythm Towers
Get involved and share your thoughts
Join our Discord Community and speak directly to us about any of the above. Not a fan of Discord? No problem, drop us an email at mail@rhythmtowers.com, or sent us a Tweet, we would love to hear from you!
Until next time...
Thanks for taking the time to read this introduction to our blog, we look forward to sharing more about Rhythm Towers very soon!